Monday, December 20, 2010

And Here..We...Go! Keep the Pace!

Part I: Jesus Lee's Divine Teachings

Boom! It's finally done! In a stunning combination between Kevin Xie's way with words and my devastating charms, we have created a joint blog for a single purpose; for teaching the rest of you simpletons the true meaning of life! As I've stated in my previous blog, it's pretty clear that we know everything and that being wrong just doesn't happen to guys like us. So shoot ANY questions about ANYTHING our way, and we might deem it worthy of a legitimate response. Or not. Depends on our mood really. Well, MY mood. I'm the king afterall. Not. Lol.

These questions can cover virtually anything! They can stretch from something lame like cooking recipes, which we probably won't take seriously considering cooking for is only for girls, to more serious subjects, like about  how the hell I'm so attractive. Don't all ask at once though. I keep the secret to my good looks on the down low. Shushhhh. Don't worry, together, Kevin and I will solve all mysteries and dilemmas and provide you the reader, with the truth! Nothing more, nothing less. We'll cover all the bases as best we can, so wish us luck! Not that we'll need it. We're just that talented. And handsome. What? Yeah, handsome. Don't deny ittt~

Shoot us the questions!

Jesus outttt.

Well this collaboration was just inevitable. the co-existence of two such powerhouses just simply cannot go unnoticed nor will it remain uncultivated. with my obnoxious vocabulary and James' statuesque charm, we vow to change the world with our cooperative efforts to better your souls. 
yes, i have adopted james' asshole cockiness, but hey, i like it. 

but onto the main attraction. not only will we be answering your simple, menial questions, we will also become the hub of the planet's charitable organizations. for every follower we get we will donate a new car to my family. for every nice comment, we will ship crates of food to Africa. once we hit our dream of thousands of followers, we will use our God-powers to banish our world of plague and famine. plus, for each life we change for the better, we promise to insure the continuity of our cancer drive and donate crayons to the local mental hospital. and for every bad shit troller fuck, we'll burn a school down. 

so yeah, in case you haven't noticed, we're tired of rambling about what this blog does. and we're itching to get up to doing what this blog was established to do. 
so just go on and ask us a goddam question already. our charitable motives are on a fuse, well mine is, but as of now, our boundless wisdom, unfathomable generosity, and abundance of undeniable truths are here amongst you all. here to grace your minds and gild them with our seemingly, no. indefinitely sagacious intelligence. 
plus, we're hot.

don't hate. i fathered superman.



All questions can be left here on the post page, but if you want to keep it private, shoot us an email at Use a dummy account if you want, or your real one, we won't try and track you down, we honestly couldn't care less. lol bye gais.

no sex solicitors either. unless you provide pics k?